More than spinal adjustments Chiropractic care is an alternative to whole body pain relief without drugs or surgery
The Gonstead Method of Chiropractic care, as practiced by Dr. Lavell at Specific Health, is a specialized branch of alternative medicine focusing on detecting, treating, and managing neuromuscular disorders. This approach emphasizes the relationship between the spine and the nervous system, with Dr. Lavell operating from the premise that any misalignment of the spine can lead to abnormalities in the nervous system. He believes in the body’s ability to heal itself when properly aligned.
Specific Health's chiropractic care involves a range of non-surgical treatments, including spinal manipulation, exercise, massage, hot and cold therapy, and lifestyle management. These treatments are used to address conditions such as headaches, arthritic pain, lower back pain, neck pain, and sports injuries.
Dr. Lavell conducts a detailed analysis of your spine using five criteria to detect the vertebral subluxation complex:
- Visualization: Expert evaluation of posture and movement to identify subtle changes indicating potential issues.
- Instrumentation: Use of the Nervoscope to detect heat variations along the spine, indicating inflammation and nerve pressure.
- Static Palpation: Examination of the spine in a stationary position to detect swelling, tenderness, and abnormal texture.
- Motion Palpation: Evaluation of spinal movement to determine segmental mobility.
- X-Ray Analysis: Full-spine radiographs to visualize spinal structure and identify misalignments and pathologies.